Inspire and Encourage.


Group classes for 0-5yo, laying the foundations for their future musical education.

0-1yo - TINY TWINKLES - a 30-minute class introducing babies to music while bonding with their caregiver through nursery rhymes, percussion play, and unique musical playtime experiences. A special time of bonding for both the caregiver and baby.

1-2.5yo - LITTLE BOPPERS - a 30-minute class introducing toddlers to music and developing their natural love for music through group singing, clapping, percussion play, dancing and voice sounds exploration. Parental interaction plays a key role in developing their sense of security within a group environment, and from their safe space creativity can flourish.

2.5-4yo - MINI MUSIC MAKERS - a 45-minute class developing young preschoolers musical awareness and ability to participate. Through musical games, singing, clapping, dancing, and percussion play, these mini music makers will develop new skills, build their confidence and inspire their creativity. Some activities will require caregiver participation and others the children will be able to do on their own, this is the bridging age to becoming a more independent preschooler.

4-5yo - PRESCHOOL PERFORMERS - a 45-minute class expanding on the basic concepts of music (pitch, duration, dynamics, texture, structure and tone colour) through musical games, vocal exercises, rhythmic percussion, dancing and performance preparation. This class requires no parental involvement, however caregivers must remain in the building for supervision during class time (this is not a drop off/pick up class).

**Our classes are currently running ONLINE ONLY while Sydney is in lockdown. We will return to St Martin’s Church, Killara once we can return in person.**